Monday, May 25, 2009

James and Lauren

Well it's weddin' season for sure!!! You know how when you think you know something and then you find out that its totally different and you feel like an idiot. I thought I remembered this couple as mild mannered and quiet...I guess I am getting old. We had such a great day, and so many good shots, I decided to pick some different stuff that I might not normally put up, and leave off some of the norm. Enjoy.

Here is the father of the bride getting strapped into his getup.

Nice Bow!

A little before the ceremony celebration.

This is what happens when you celebrate a little too much.

Little hands, and little flowers.

A teary- eyed James.

Lets just talk during our wedding.

I totally grabbed this with my new favorite lens, and it's one of my favs from the day.


Bouche Cake...Sarah rocks!!


This is also one of my top favorites of the day. Yes, I did get one with their faces in the frame.