Monday, May 04, 2009

Jenni and Justin

Well, we've been busy the last few days. On Friday, it was down to Madison to hook up with Jenni and Justin for their engagement session. Then Saturday morning it was off to Door County for an awesome wedding with Jessica and Andy. (More on this in the next couple of days.) Today Mark is off to Eagle River so I am holding down the fort. In the midst of traveling around the state, we have been on the phone trying to work out our email and internet issues. Hopefully the slideshows will be back in business in a few days. I think I can safely say that our email is now fixed. Fingers crossed!!! In the meantime, enjoy some amazing images from Jenni and Justin. ~ Kelly

What luck! An abandoned washing machine in the middle of the alley.

These next two were inside the capitol building.

In the elevator.


Love these two.

Check out the slideshow from the engagement session.