Monday, August 10, 2009

Mehgan and Andrew

I don't know how 10 hrs of shooting could possibly go by so fast. The longest part of my day was the drive down (Kelly sleeping) and the drive home (with Kelly sleeping)! We shot this great couple in the grandiose city of Madison, WI this weekend. It's really not the bad of a drive, I won't tell you how long the drive is...cause you'll call me a speeder! Anyhow, these two are in theater business, and have been making the best of a long distance realationship between here and there.

Here's how I found Drew when I showed up at the church. In all fairness he had a bad migraine, but we'll pretend it was a bad hangover.

This is how the migraine looks when it is having fun with your head!

This is what takes the migraine away.

Kissing helps a bad headache I hear.

What a couple.

This is a great series with the little boy looking on.

Some candids on State St.

Okay...not so candid.

Candid again.


This is what good dance photography looks like. I won't show you what bad dance photography looks would hurt my blog image.

Love this.

I also enjoy doing stuff like taking furniture to places where it doesn't in the street.