Wednesday, September 02, 2009

April and Steven

This post is going up a little late due to a very unhappy encounter with food poisoning. On the contrary, it was one great big happy celebration on Saturday with April and Steven. April was fourteen when she started dating Steven so after six years, it was time to make it official. In spite of the rainy, chilly forecast, it was a great wedding. We met up with April at Perkins and then I went off to do some lingerie shopping with the girls, and Mark went to do some grand march shopping with the guys.

Some cool shoe and dress detail

Giving Grandpa a smooch!

Pilgrim Congregational is such a beautiful church to photograph in.

These two being serious at the exact same moment was such a rarity so this one kind of makes me smile.

There was a lot of wild partying going on.

Kissing under their umbrellas. April was prepared and bought black and pink umbrellas for the whole wedding party.

April watching her sister's toast.

Sweet moment on the dance floor.

That is the bride and groom doing the polka--they were quite good!

Grand march.

This is April's impression of Steven's dance toward her to get the garter. Pretty good I'd say.

Super suave.