Sunday, May 18, 2008

Amanda and Philip

Kelly is posting tonight. We had back to back weddings this weekend, and you couldn't have asked for two more beautiful days. We had a great time on Saturday with Philip and Amanda out at Heritage Hill and then the Swan Club for the reception. Along the way, they took a trip down Memory Lane (literally) and went back to the site of their engagement.

The dads hanging out before the ceremony.

Amanda looking beautiful.

Philip is serving in the army. I love this picture.

The tough guy shows his softer side when he sees his bride walking down the aisle.

There was talk of moving the ceremony indoors because of the looming clouds, but the storm literally went around us!

The happy couple

First dance mixed with kung fu fighting. These two are pretty funny!

Thank you for letting us take part of your day. Have a great honeymoon in Europe!