Friday, April 30, 2010


And now for a Sydney feature. . . . She was super excited about doing a photoshoot with just her. We went to the mall and we picked out a dress which she made the final decision on, and then she saw these sunglasses that she really wanted to have for the pictures. She has so much personality, and it always amazes me how different our two girls are. If someone, asks Sydney if she is a princess, she usually answers something like this. "No, my sister Riley is a princess, I only like princesses a little bit. " Truth be told, Sydney would much rather be digging in the dirt, running around, riding her bike, playing blocks, or doing gymnastics. She is also my helper and the very best big sister. I am already having anxiety thinking about her heading off to kindergarten next fall.

Sporting her new shades

That is a great face . . .

Love that smile

Her dancing skills, I think she got from me. A little too funny.

I love getting to just freeze a moment of that pure, unrestrained happiness!

Right after this, I was eating leaves